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FA Special Serum Diluting Buffer


Special Serum Diluting Buffer is PBS-0.09% sodium azide with 10% adult bovine serum added. Adult bovine serum is used in this diluting buffer instead of BSA because some vaccines used in canine, feline and porcine species contain bovine serum components which cause antibodies to be made that may give a high background fluorescence on IFA. Adding bovine serum to the diluent increases the globulin fraction sufficiently to block any antibody that might react with residual bovine globulin on the cells on the substrate slide, and thus reduce the background fluorescence.


Eight years from date of QC release


Store at 2-7°C. Do not freeze!


100 ml




not applicable

Multi-species, Bovine, Camelid, Canine, Caprine, Cervine, Equine, Feline, Murine, Ovine, Porcine

Special Serum Diluting Buffer is PBS-0.09% sodium azide with 10% adult bovine serum added. Adult bovine serum is used in this diluting buffer instead of BSA because some vaccines used in canine, feline and porcine species contain bovine serum components which cause antibodies to be made that may give a high background fluorescence on IFA. Adding bovine serum to the diluent increases the globulin fraction sufficiently to block any antibody that might react with residual bovine globulin on the cells on the substrate slide, and thus reduce the background fluorescence.

FA Special Serum Diluting Buffer