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Raw Material & Serum Testing

9 CFR Virus Testing

These assays evaluate the test articles for extraneous viruses as specified in USDA-APHIS 9 CFR 113.52, 113.53c, 113.55, including compliance with 113.46 and 113.47. VMRD tests for viruses in materials from all mammalian species listed in UDSA-APHIS 9 CFR 113.47.

9 CFR Virus Testing

These assays evaluate the test articles for extraneous viruses as specified in USDA-APHIS 9 CFR 113.52, 113.53c, 113.55, including compliance with 113.46 and 113.47. VMRD tests for viruses in materials from all mammalian species listed in UDSA-APHIS 9 CFR 113.47.

View All 9 CFR Virus Tests

  • Avian Virus Assay

    Assay Length:

    22 days

    Catalog Number:
